Results: 1 - 50 of 189 records

  1. K41548 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT4G08980 F-BOX WITH WD-40 2 (FBW2); BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: RNI-like superfamily prote...
    whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::upturned / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::increased size / seed::increased width / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::abnormal / cauline leaf::hyponastic / stem::increased thickness / stem::abnormal
  2. K40923 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT5G42900 cold regulated gene 27 (COR27); BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR...
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::dark green / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::increased thickness / whole plant::increased height / whole plant flowering stage::late / rosette leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::epinastic / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::increased length / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::dark green
  3. K01147 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT3G19950 RING/U-box superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: zinc ion binding; EXPRESSED IN: 24 plant structures...
    fruit::decreased length / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::abnormal / stem::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::increased thickness / stem::decreased thickness / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::decreased size
  4. K31447 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT5G15800 SEPALLATA1 (SEP1); FUNCTIONS IN: DNA binding, sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor ...
    rosette leaf::upturned / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / fruit::abnormal / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::hyponastic
  5. F07203 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT5G13490 ADP/ATP carrier 2 (AAC2); FUNCTIONS IN: protein binding, binding, copper ion binding, ATP:ADP ant...
    fruit::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal / stem::desaturated green / cauline leaf::abnormal / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::desaturated green / flower::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::epinastic / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed
  6. K21349 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G01720 ATAF1; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: No apical meristem (NAM) protein (InterPro:IPR003441); BEST Ar...
    whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::upturned / seed::low brightness / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::increased size / cauline leaf::hyponastic / stem::decreased thickness
  7. K16710 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G71692 AGAMOUS-like 12 (AGL12); FUNCTIONS IN: sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activit...
    stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / cauline leaf::hyponastic / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::upturned
  8. K30309 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT5G15800 SEPALLATA1 (SEP1); FUNCTIONS IN: DNA binding, sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor ...
    whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::upturned / rosette leaf::abnormal / fruit::abnormal / stem::abnormal / stem::increased thickness / stem::decreased thickness / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism
  9. K46019 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G04500 CCT motif family protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: CCT domain (InterPro:IPR010402); BEST Arabi...
    fruit::decreased length / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / stem::desaturated green / stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem internode::decreased length / seed::increased length / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::dark green / whole plant::decreased height
  10. K28704 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / whole plant::decreased height / cauline leaf::increased width / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::decreased thickness / seed::low brightness
  11. K37145 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::decreased thickness / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem internode::decreased length / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / whole plant flowering stage::late / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed
  12. K00503 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT4G04980 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT1G11070.1); ...
    cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::abnormal / stem::abnormal / stem::increased thickness / stem::decreased thickness / fruit::decreased length / fruit::abnormal / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal
  13. K00818 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT4G11380 Adaptin family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: protein transporter activity, clathrin binding, binding; IN...
    rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::increased width / whole plant::decreased height / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / fruit::abnormal
  14. K19622 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    flower::abnormal / fruit::abnormal / stem::increased thickness / stem::abnormal / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / petal::abnormal / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::abnormal
  15. F07646 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::decreased size / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::desaturated green / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / fruit::decreased length
  16. K24916 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT2G44480 beta glucosidase 17 (BGLU17); FUNCTIONS IN: cation binding, hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-gly...
    rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / stem::decreased thickness / cauline leaf::desaturated green / cauline leaf::dark green / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  17. F08410 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G69340 appr-1-p processing enzyme family protein; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Cellular retinaldehyde-bin...
    root::present in greater numbers in organism / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::dark green / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::dark green / stem::abnormal / stem::increased thickness / stem internode::decreased length / rosette leaf::dark green / whole plant::decreased height
  18. F10731 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT2G40400 Protein of unknown function (DUF399 and DUF3411); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Protein of unknown ...
    cauline leaf::epinastic / cauline leaf::desaturated green / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::desaturated green / stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed
  19. F29906 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G24764 microtubule-associated proteins 70-2 (MAP70-2); FUNCTIONS IN: microtubule binding; INVOLVED IN: c...
    rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::dark green / whole plant::decreased height / stem::increased thickness / stem::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / fruit::decreased length / fruit::increased thickness / stem internode::decreased length
  20. K30031 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G48130 1-cysteine peroxiredoxin 1 (PER1); FUNCTIONS IN: thioredoxin peroxidase activity, antioxidant act...
    rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::abnormal / fruit::abnormal / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::abnormal
  21. F12447 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::increased size / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / whole plant flowering stage::late / stem::abnormal / cauline leaf::dark green / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size
  22. K06721 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / stem::increased thickness / stem::abnormal / fruit::abnormal / fruit::decreased length / stem internode::decreased length / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size
  23. K42528 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / fruit::abnormal / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  24. K44341 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G12760 Zinc finger, C3HC4 type (RING finger) family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: ubiquitin-protein ligase acti...
    stem::abnormal / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width / cauline leaf::epinastic / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::epinastic / rosette leaf::decreased size
  25. F16001 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G48900 Signal recognition particle, SRP54 subunit protein; FUNCTIONS IN: 7S RNA binding, mRNA binding, n...
    AT5G59750 DHBP synthase RibB-like alpha/beta domain;GTP cyclohydrolase II; FUNCTIONS IN: 3,4-dihydroxy-2-bu...
    sporophyte vegetative stage::increased speed / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / whole plant::decreased height / whole plant flowering stage::premature / stem::decreased thickness / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism
  26. K14712 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height / stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal / cauline leaf::abnormal / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  27. K42729 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::abnormal / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::decreased thickness / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::abnormal
  28. F13540 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width / stem::abnormal / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  29. K03716 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G09920 TRAF-type zinc finger-related; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: Ubiquitin fusion degra...
    fruit::decreased length / fruit::abnormal / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::epinastic / stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::epinastic / rosette leaf::abnormal
  30. K24239 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::decreased thickness / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size
  31. F05848 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G10670 ATP-citrate lyase A-1 (ACLA-1); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: ATP-grasp fold, subdomain 2 (InterPro...
    cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::dark green / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed
  32. F07209 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::desaturated green / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::abnormal
  33. F18002 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G10950 transmembrane nine 1 (TMN1); LOCATED IN: integral to membrane, Golgi apparatus, membrane; EXPRESS...
    sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::increased width / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::decreased thickness / stem::present in fewer numbers in organism
  34. F05912 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G27400 Ribosomal protein L22p/L17e family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: structural constituent of ribosome; INV...
    rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal
  35. F08215 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT3G57610 adenylosuccinate synthase (ADSS); FUNCTIONS IN: adenylosuccinate synthase activity; INVOLVED IN: ...
    rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::increased size / rosette leaf::abnormal / whole plant::decreased height / root::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::abnormal / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem internode::decreased length
  36. F22835 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::desaturated green / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / whole plant::decreased height / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size
  37. K03551 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / fruit::decreased length / fruit::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::epinastic / whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed
  38. K46021 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::increased thickness / stem::abnormal / rosette leaf::upturned / rosette leaf::dark green / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed
  39. F05435 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    stem::present in greater numbers in organism / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism
  40. F11145 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT5G61600 ethylene response factor 104 (ERF104); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: DNA-binding, integrase-type (I...
    whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased width / stem::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness
  41. F13222 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::desaturated green / whole plant::decreased height / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / stem::present in fewer numbers in organism
  42. K00421 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT3G07630 arogenate dehydratase 2 (ADT2); FUNCTIONS IN: arogenate dehydratase activity, prephenate dehydrat...
    rosette leaf::epinastic / whole plant::increased height / stem::abnormal / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::abnormal
  43. K14834 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::epinastic / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / root::present in greater numbers in organism / stem::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::abnormal / stem::increased thickness / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism
  44. K39725 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / whole plant::decreased height / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism
  45. K44215 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / rosette leaf::abnormal / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::dark green / rosette leaf::increased width / whole plant::decreased height / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed
  46. F10843 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / whole plant::decreased height
  47. F11238 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G72160 Sec14p-like phosphatidylinositol transfer family protein; FUNCTIONS IN: transporter activity; INV...
    rosette leaf::present in greater numbers in organism / cauline leaf::abnormal / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::decreased thickness / stem::abnormal
  48. F16516 Gain of function line - RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT1G63000 nucleotide-rhamnose synthase/epimerase-reductase (NRS/ER); FUNCTIONS IN: UDP-4-keto-rhamnose-4-ke...
    rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::abnormal / fruit::abnormal / fruit::decreased length / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness
  49. K02542 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    AT3G09390 metallothionein 2A (MT2A); CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: Plant metallothionein, family 15 (InterPro...
    AT3G14740 RING/FYVE/PHD zinc finger superfamily protein; FUNCTIONS IN: zinc ion binding; EXPRESSED IN: 21 p...
    rosette leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / rosette leaf::decreased size / whole plant::decreased height / whole plant flowering stage::premature / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / cauline leaf::decreased size / stem::increased thickness / stem::abnormal / stem::decreased thickness / fruit::abnormal / seed::increased length
  50. K38246 Gain of function line - RIKEN rice full-length cDNA overexpressed Arabidopsis lines
    rosette leaf::increased width / rosette leaf::decreased size / rosette leaf::desaturated green / sporophyte vegetative stage::decreased speed / whole plant::decreased height / cauline leaf::desaturated green / cauline leaf::decreased size / cauline leaf::present in fewer numbers in organism / stem::decreased thickness / seed::present in fewer numbers in organism